Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning: Benefits and Application
Updated: Sep 18, 2023
The ducted reverse cycle air conditioning works to provide you what it promises in the name – air conditioning. Be it cooling your house in summers or warming your interiors up in the winter, this system does both, thus providing you the best of both seasons. This kind of system has two units, one for indoors and the other for outdoors. Like the normal air conditioning, this too works on the principle of heat pumps, but the reversible factor makes it work both ways. Let’s find out more.

Working of the System The working of a heat pump system is simple; a fan works to draw in the heat from the atmosphere, it is passed over a cool liquid called the refrigerant that absorbs the heat, and the cool air is circulated back to the room. The heated refrigerant evaporates through a compressor, resulting in the formation of high pressure and high-temperature gas. This gas is then pumped out of the system via a heat exchanger and the refrigerant cools down to liquid form. The ducting in the system acts as the thermal insulator that prevents the loss of heat or cold air from the conditioner to the target room.
Benefits of the Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning When given a choice between the evaporative cooling system and the ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, you might find it a tad bit difficult, especially in the portability and pricing field. Yet, many people choose the ducted system, since they are ideal for large apartments and corporate buildings in terms of transfer of the hot or cooled air throughout the space. Besides this, there are other advantages too, such as:
One system works as both a cooling and heating unit, and this saves the cost of investing in two separate coolers and heaters for the building. People who live in regions that face extremely hot summers and freezing winters, the ducted reverse cycle system of air conditioning is the best investment. During winters, the system absorbs the hot air from the environment outside and then releases the absorbed heat via a compressor. The reverse occurs during summer when the hot air from the room is absorbed and transferred out of the space.
The ducted reverse cycle air conditioning system is highly efficient in terms of energy consumption. While most room heaters work on the principle of creating the heat required for warming up the room, the reverse cycle absorbs the heat from outside the room and transfers it inside. This recycling of heat enables you to save around 30% on your electricity or gas bills and makes it not only pocket friendly but also eco-friendly.
The ducted reverse cycle air conditioning boasts of discretion in terms of space usage. Unlike traditional air conditioning system, even the split and sleek models, this air conditioning system can be easily tucked behind the walls or high up in the ceilings, which not only hide it from view but also cause no obstruction to your aesthetics.
With the ducting system is equipped to maintain the heat or cold in the air while transferring, the ducted reverse cycle air conditioning maintains a homogenous air temperature and flow. At the same time, it can be adjustable so as to regulate which rooms get more heat and which ones get less.
The silence it provides is an added plus. The modern ducted reverse cycle air conditioning is made to produce negligible noise, making sure you are not disturbed throughout the day and at night.
While ducted reverse cycle air conditioning is arguably costlier than many other cooling systems, the pricing does not hurt when we look into their advantages, benefits, and eco-friendliness. Install this system in your home or office and get freedom from separate heating and cooling systems during different seasons.