Acupuncture - What it is and its Benefits for You
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a treatment which comes from the health care system of China that is 2500 years old. The main idea behind this is that there are patterns of “Qi” or energy which flow through the body and are essential for your health. Any change or interruption is theorized to be the cause of diseases. With the help of acupuncture, practitioners aim to correct this imbalance and restore good health.
Science, as of yet, is not able to accurately describe how acupuncture works; but many have tried to explain it to neuroscience. The different acupuncture points are seen as areas where different blood vessels, connective tissues and nerves can be accessed and stimulated. This helps the blood to flow more easily, while also inducing the natural mechanism of painkillers which are produced by the body itself. While this form of treatment was not very popular initially across the rest of the world, over the past few decades the interest in acupuncture and its benefits is rising.
The Process of Acupuncture
The process of acupuncture involves the use of a variety of techniques that help stimulate different points in the anatomy that are on or in the skin.
In this treatment, an acupuncturist inserts very thin metallic needles into your skin at various different locations and in different combinations. By doing so, the practitioner aims to balance the vital Qi flowing through the body. The needles are stimulated using electricity or by hand. There are about 350 acupuncture points that are dispersed throughout the body.
Does Acupuncture Actually Work?
Due to the invasive nature of this treatment, it is quite difficult to study the way this process works in a scientific manner. The results relating to acupuncture and its effects have been contradictory and inconclusive.
However, it has shown to be beneficial for the treatment of patients want:
experience frequents bouts of nausea and vomiting (especially someone who has gone through chemotherapy sessions),
chronic pain and other diseases which cause you to develop chronic pain in certain areas such as rheumatoid arthritis,
dental pain, as well as,
have risks of a stroke.
It is also beneficial for those individuals who have not been able to benefit from the use of medication.
Additionally, the benefits of undergoing acupuncture therapy include:
This treatment has very few side effects (most of which are very rare)
It is very safe when performed acupuncture by a licensed practitioner
It remains effective even when combined with other types of treatments
It is able to effectively combat the occurrence of different types of pain.
What Can You Expect If You Visit an Acupuncturist?
Just as with any other medical professional, an acupuncturist will first assess your condition in order to establish which type of treatment will be most suitable for you.Since there are about 350 points in the anatomy through which Qi flows, according to Chinese tradition, stimulation of each point elicits a different reaction.
Once the acupuncturist has established the best combination for you, you will be asked to lie down on your back, front or side, depending on the area which is to be stimulated.
Ensure that:
Your practitioner only uses very thin, single-use metallic needles
The needles only stay in place for 5 minutes to half an hour
Apart from the pain of the initial pricking of the needle, you should not feel any pain
The number of sessions required by an individual for the treatment to work effectively depends on the condition of the individual. For people who have a chronic condition, frequent sessions need to take place whereas, for others, monthly sessions seem to suffice.